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Showing posts from December, 2017

How to build a positive reputation to your website?

“A good reputation for your business is an invaluable asset not reflected in the balance sheets”. We all have friends and relatives with different reputations. Same as with a website it has a different reputation among the customers. The reputation of a business refers to what the people think and feel about your business. As their thinking and feeling about your business are based on their experience with your business. Big companies spend a large amount of money to make the strategies towards the reputation of a business. These days the reputation of a business depends on its ranking in the search engines. Looking for a new business or looking to improve the positive reputation, the best idea to begin doing it online. Because the Internet is the vast majority of where people post their reviews as well as see for information and give their opinions. How to build a positive reputation to your website? If you are really looking for tips to build a positive reput